Newsletter 207

Date 2014/3/23 22:25:17 | Topic: Clan Council

About 5 days left to vote people! Get on it and choose your council!
In Gaming News:

Counter Strike:

The WPC are hosting our very own server match , the topic is here: ... with-gt-formerly-vfc.html

You can sign up and more details will be posted, there will be livestreaming too!

Payday 2:

Payday 2 is in a free weekend as you know, and it's at a very reasonable price!
Worth a pickup as many of our members are playing and we love members doing
heists together!

Timber has made a great topic about posting pics about your WPC name. Some great pics so far!
I need to find one for my own!
The Link is here: ... 67-picture-your-name.html


Buzz has made a topic outlining rules that must be adhered to in our teamspeak,
we all have this wonderful resource, dont abuse it and ruin it for others guys.

The rules are here: ... 398-team-speak-rules.html

Thats all for this week guys! Remember to vote as our pack needs new alphas!

Hydro out!

This article comes from [WPC] Wolf Pack Clan

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